Monthly Archives: October 2020
OAKLAND (KPIX) — Homeless encampments are a common sight in many Bay Area communities, especially in the city of Oakland. While city leaders try to find solutions, there is a grassroots effort to build shelter, even if it is just temporary.Brent Shipp lives on the streets and feels his fate can happen to anyone. He […]
Petaluma native Miguel Elliott said he wasn’t sure exactly what he would uncover as he helped dig through the frozen North Dakota ground last month, advancing gradually through the icy surface to reveal, inch by labored inch, the softer earth beneath. The stakes were high — as a long-time builder of earthen structures, Elliott […]
When Miguel Elliott is working, he’s dancing. Dipping his toes into a pile of mud he begins the stomp, an ancient two-step that is part of the process of turning wet earth into walls with his two bare feet.It?s a 10-minute dance to turn this earthen mixture into building material ? usually done to a […]
This is a video featuring the idea of using used horse trailers to build 2 story Hobbitats on the trailer. The part that gets cut off would be used as a storage.
This could be a super affordable way to build tiny houses for the homeless.
As modern construction activities are resulting in resource depletion and environmental degradation, it’s high time for us to be aware of negative consequences of the wrath. It’s heartening to see people switching to 3D printed homes, just to lower the adverse impacts of concrete construction on the environment. Even though there are many modern home […]